Tuesday, 12 August 2008

And We're Back

I've been away for a while, because A: I didn't have a whole lot of new material to give you all and B: I saw the movie about three weeks ago and was told at the screening that there was an embargo on all UK reviews till the week of release (so from tomorrow I'll be able to rave about the movie, even though most of you already saw it too...).

So, after such a big break, here's a bunch of e-goodies to get your mitts on:

character bio johann Image

character bio wink Image

character bio princess Image

character bio angel Image

Hot cat vendor Image

fish monger Image

glowing feature vendor Image

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Huge Mike Mignola Interview

IGN have posted this interview  with Hellboy's creator, Mike Mignola, where he talks about the movie (obviously) and about bringing Hellboy's story within the comics to an end. I have to put my hand up and say I've never read any of the comics, but I would so like to get my hands on those fancy Hellboy: Volumes 1 & 2. They're pretty.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Q&A With Double Twenty

So thebruce (ARG legend that he is) scored an interview with Matt Wolf and Tania Thiele. I won't say anything more than to tell everyone to just head over there now and check it out, since it's a damn good read and several players get name checked (including me! wooo! must... not... self-inflate... ego...) and I think that this level of interaction and feedback from the PM's has made this game all the more special.

Thanks again, Matt, Tania and all of Double Twenty!

Two Days To Go!

And here's three more ecstatic reviews (as if we needed further convincing) from some lucky people who got to see it in Austin.
UPDATED: Here's Harry Knowles' review - you already know it's good.

Any Other Brits Out There?

Empire just joined forces with BFI Southbank to bring us Movie-Con, which is the first incarnation of our own Comic-Con (albeit about a month later than you American guys) - all the details are in the linked story on Empire's website, I'll be booking my tickets to see the advance screening of HB2 a couple days earlier than release (again though, that's still over a month after most of you guys...), if anyone else is from good 'ol Blighty, drop me a message in the comments and maybe I'll see you there!

Monday, 7 July 2008

See Anna Walton & Luke Goss Transform Into Nuala & Nuada

We're almost there! Here's another behind-the-scenes vid, as interesting and entertaining as ever:

Sunday, 6 July 2008


A new picture has appeared over at the HETFET gallery that should come as a relief to all of us;

GDT found Lexi!!

Friday, 4 July 2008

Even More Interviews

So here're another couple of interviews, one with GDT and another with Selma Blair. There's also this, which is a pretty entertaining report on the screening that was the ultimate prize for the HETFET/TSD game, with photos! Maaaaaan I wish I'd been there!

Hellboy Goes Viral Crazy

OK - so the game was also viral by it's very nature, but I love seeing him pop up in all these different places. I'm British, so while I'm familiar with most of the shows (Chuck is awesome, I'm a film geek so I know all about The Actors Studio, and we have our own Gladiators and Ghost Hunters), I've no idea what show he's auditioning for. But it's funny. So watch it.

Chuck Vs. Hellboy (Round 2)

Hellboy Goes Inside The Actors Studio Again

Hellboy's PSA

Hellboy Meets The Ghost Hunters

Hellboy's Audition

Interviews & Comic Books

Only one week left! So here's some more bits and pieces.

First up, Newsarama scored interviews with Ron Perlman and Doug Jones, both of which are of an easily digestible size - also, I had never realised that Doug has appeared in every one of del Toro's movies since Mimic...

And over at IGN Comics, there's a Hellboy: The Crooked Man No.1 review, which is apparently a very strong first issue of a new arc in the Hellboy series.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Hellboy Vs. The Gladiators!

AICN found another one of these hilarious little clips - and we're to expect more, which makes me very happy!

And for those of you in or near Austin, here are the details on the Fantastic Fest being presented in association with AICN, if I had the chance I'd love to spend the week at this event - and to top it all off they're holding a free screening of HB2 with Guillermo, Mike and Doug all in attendance. Doesn't get much better than that.

AICN Are Giving Away Tickets To A Preview Screening In Chicago!

If any of you guys hail from Chicago - then get on over to Aint It Cool News and tell Capone exactly why you love del Toro (note the specific instructions he sets out), if you're one of the first, you get a ticket to see the movie!

I'll keep you posted on details for the Austin screening that he mentions too, since the one they held for The Incredible Hulk was goddamn amazing.

CBR Review HB2

Another day, another glowing review, this time from Comic Book Resources.

You'll also find 7 clips from the movie over at www.shocktillyoudrop.com.

9 days to go!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Red Goes Inside The Actors Studio

I really love this stuff - in the same vein as Chuck & Red, here's Red explaining his method acting:

Newsarama Review HB2

Newsarama are a comic book specialist website, and they've given HB2 a slightly tamer review than there has been up to now - mostly because they claim the movie strays away from the tone Mignola established in the comics and a little more towards del Toro's fantastical leanings. That said, they are generally very positive about every element within the film, particularly Johann.

Monday, 30 June 2008

RIP Michael Turner

I just heard that legendary comic book artist Michael Turner has lost his long-running battle with cancer, passing away on June 27th. 

I know this isn't strictly Hellboy related, but I'm absolutely gutted by this news, and I imagine most comic book fans will be - so that's why I'm sharing it with you guys here.

I moved to London about a year and a half ago with only what I could carry on my back and in my hands, and with barely any money - this meant no TV and no DVD player and, as a film student, that's like chopping my limbs off. Pretty quickly I realised I needed a new entertainment outlet, something that wouldn't cost too much but would capture the imagination. I found comics not long after that. I enjoyed them all well and good, but they only started becoming something actually magical when I found a trade paper-back of the first volume of Fathom.

Now obviously I picked this up initially because I'm a sucker for unrealistically attractive illustrated women - but as I kept reading I found I fell in love with that world. I remember scoffing at the idea of a super-heroine whose super power was that she could manipulate water. I don't remember at what point I took back any criticisms, but I do know that I was in for the long haul about five pages into that book. Reading it felt like watching a movie, a very, very cool movie, and the incredibly beautiful art only made it so much easier on the eyes. Then I read the foreword by Marc Silvestri (maybe it was the afterword, I don't know - alls I know is I only read the blurb stuff after I've read the actual book), where he recounts how Turner got his start in the industry, saying he couldn't draw for shit and that it wasn't until he told him to go away and draw a building from reference that he saw any promise in him.

I was so taken by his story, and by Turner's work, that I thought 'well, why couldn't I do that?'. As a film student, the idea of illustration had simply just never occurred to me. So I start drawing Aspen, using the Fathom comics as reference.

Yeah, my first one was shit, but I felt actually very proud of it, so proud that I decided to try something bigger and better. And it continued, I drew more and more, all the while going out of my way to track down various Turner works in the comic book store and online, wherever I could. I eventually found his other creator-owned series, Soulfire:

It blends fantasy and sci-fi incredibly well, and I'd thoroughly recommend it to all the people interested in Hellboy's universe as they share a few common themes. The core series has had several spin-offs, some dealing with the more fantastical origins of that universe, some dealing with the more sci-fi future - all are very strong. Tragically, the first volume of the core series has been left incomplete for years, as Turner became critically ill and unable to finish the follow-up to his masterpiece.

After a while, I began to make my way in London and found myself able to move into a better flat and to finally get that TV and DVD player. I found I'd amassed a hefty collection of comic books in those initial 10 months or so (which were predominantly Marvel books, and most of those were predominantly Civil War related) - wanting space and a little extra cash, I auctioned them off on eBay.

All except for everything I had by Michael Turner (plus my copy of Absolute Sandman Vol. 1 by Neil Gaiman, no way I'm ever gettin' rid of that).

His art inspired me, some guy who never even really appreciated art in the first place (and in fact had a negative view of the whole thing after seeing all of that Tracy Emin and Damian Hirst crap, plus going through a ridiculous relationship with a 'fine art' student now ex-girlfriend), to pick up a pencil and actually fall in love with the possibilities it provides.

It's been a while since I last picked up the pencil. I think it's time again.

Rest in peace, Michael Turner. You will be missed.

JimmyO Of JoBlo Visits Spectral Motion

Spectral Motion, the guys doing the SFX work for HB2, gave a tour of their studios to JimmyO and this is his report. Make sure to click the link within the article to see the video interview with Mike Elizalde of Spectral Motion.

Moriarty Reviews Hellboy 2

I don't know how many people here read Aint It Cool News regularly, but Moriarty is one of the big shot staff posters for the site, and he's just posted a massive double-whammy review of Hellboy 2 and The Dark Knight - it's yet another fantastic, yet strangely structured, review. You'll find that he's mixed both reviews into one and, as I'm eager to see both, it makes for a very interesting read - he does seem to veer into spoiler territory about halfway through though, at which point I turned away. Nonetheless, the praise he gives the film is of the highest order.

Johann & Chuck Vs. Red!

Here're some new clips for your viewing pleasure - the first two come from Latino Review and JoBlo respectively, I suspect everyone will love the first one in particular. The third clip is one I found on YouTube, which, as a fan of both properties being advertised here, is amazing to me.

JoBlo Tooth Fairy Clip

Sunday, 29 June 2008

This Just In: Hellboy 2 Is AMAZING*

Another glowing review over at AICN, from someone who went to Guillermo's premiere - I especially like the part where he compares the feeling he got from seeing this film to the feeling he got the first time he saw Star Wars: A New Hope. Maybe he's over-exaggerating, but even so, that right there tells you that this movie isn't 'yeah, it's really good' good, it's 'ohmygod this is the reason my eyes and ears exist' good.

And Devin over at CHUD gives it an 8.5 out of 10 with yet another stellar review.

I'd like to make a little disclaimer here - you'll notice that I haven't yet posted any reviews that are less than fantastic, because the fact is that as of yet there are none. I'm actively and constantly scanning the internet, posting literally everything I find on the movie - meaning if I should happen to find any negative reviews or reactions then I'll share them on here with all of you but, on the basis of what we've seen so far, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for one.

Also, this is the 100th post! Drinks are on the house!

*note the reference to a legendary episode of The Simpsons - 10 points to anyone who can name either the episode or what was being referred to as 'AMAZING'.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

HB In HD! New Trailer!

Head over to Apple to check out an Apple-specific intro from HB on the main page (you gotta turn the sound on), then click through to see the 3rd theatrical trailer, a featurette and the animated prologue (a good few weeks after we all saw it - go us!), all in glorious high definition quicktime.

Less than two weeks now!

Friday, 27 June 2008

IGN Meet Wink

With two weeks left to go (for you guys that is, I think I've got like six...) it looks like they're really starting to ramp up the traditional marketing and coverage in the press, and IGN has this look at the making of Wink, and it's incredible - I had no idea that Wink was entirely practical! It's really amazing to see him walking around between takes.

The Cat Lady Caught Red Handed!

There's an exclusive clip up over at EW that's of particular interest to those of us who were invested in Lexi's exploits! Also, as far as I'm aware, this is the first time we've heard Johann speak - I know it's Seth McFarlane doing the voice, and I can't help but hear a slight twinge of Stewie coming across...

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Empire Weighs In With Their 'Reaction'

Right off the bat they state that this isn't a review, but a reaction - nevertheless, it's a bloody good reaction.

I started this blog to keep track of the game and the marketing, but with early critical buzz as good as this, I'm updating that mission statement to include coverage and reviews like these.

Empire Goes To The HB2 Set

Here you'll find three behind-the-scenes videos for the movie, exclusive to Empire (or I'd post them on here directly) - the Doug Jones interview is particularly cool.

Not long to go now people!

The First Review Is In!

And the word is good! Very good!

The Lost Ring

OK, I'll admit right off the bat that this is absolutely nothing to do with Hellboy 2 - but it IS another ARG I've just discovered that has been running for a few months. The story is very dense, but don't be put off as this looks to be another very strong game, with a massive community already going strong. I just took a personality test in-game, and this is the result I got:

If anyone's reading this in London, come to the event on Sunday and I'll see you there!

Also, this is fun (and liable to cause explosions of happiness in anyone who A: plays video games B: grew up in the 80's or C: all of the above):

Visit the Official Game Site of Ghostbustersâ„¢ - The Video Game

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Best Hellboy E-Goodie EVER

I know, I know, I get all excited about evry new goodie I'm able to give you guys, but this is honestly, 100%, my favourite of them all. No, wait, first you can have this one - Cathedral Head:

Cathedral Head Image

NOW you can play with THIS!

Monday, 23 June 2008

Mycroft & Masks

Seems Mycroft is up to something interesting over at HETFET... Plus! Some more production art:

Troll Market Masks
Troll Market Masks Image

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Nuada Bio & More

Another batch of treats for you all - although the Tumour Baby just plain freaks me out.

Character Bio Prince Image

Council Painting Image

Tumour Baby Image

Friday, 20 June 2008

IGN Go Inside The HB2 Editing Suite With GDT

This was just posted over at IGN, and it's quite interesting to read. It also features some more production art, and, annoyingly, lets us know that it's being edited right around the corner from me in Soho, London! If only I knew where!

More Goodness

As promised, here's some more production sketches, one of a door that has an air of TSD about it and another of some glasses we're already familiar with. Plus, a bio on everyone's favourite lady of the flame.

Character Bio Liz Image

Troll Market Door Image

Troll Market Door
Francisco Ruiz Velasco: Only magical beings have access to the Troll Market, which has been hidden from human eyes for centuries. This is the door that leads to the market. It's like a huge safe mechanism that only few know how to open.

Originally, this door was conceived to be inside an underwater chamber that led to the Golden Army chamber. Later on, Del Toro decided to create a variation of the door for the Troll Market.

Prototype Image

Glasses Prototype
{Francisco} This was designed by Pablito Angeles based on Guillermo’s sketches. It’s a device that makes it possible to look through magical spells and reveal hidden things of the fairy world.

GDT: Fairies use a "glamour" effect to hide themselves so the optical device removes that effect and shows the "true" nature of things. For the geeks, this is a riff on several classic pulp fantasy stories that use similar devices.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

The Notebook (the one about Hellboy, not the one about Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams and some old people)

I thought this was very cool, so I wanted to give it to you today, in it's own post. You should also check out the official movie website as it's been heavily updated and looks fantastic.

New Goodies!

It's been a little bit quiet on the HB2 front since the game ended - but it's back in force! What we have here is loads of pretty stuff to look at, a new video, wallpapers etc - and there's a lot more to come, which I'll be adding over the next few days so as not to overwhelm everyone all at once.


(edit: I haven't learnt enough about html to be able to switch autoplay off on the trailer, so you're gonna have to go down there and pause the damn thing if you wanna watch the Creature video... sorry!)

wallpaper_7_1024x768 Image

wallpaper_8_1024x768 Image

Troll Barber Image

Prince Nuadas Spear Image

Prince Nuada's Spear
Francisco Ruiz Velasco: This drawing is an early version of the Prince's spear, created by Pablo Angeles. The main idea was for the spear to be a kind of telescopic device, so when it is short it can be used as a double-bladed sword and then extend to a spear.
All the weapons of the Elf royalty are richly decorated. We were trying to stay away from Celtic motifs and create our own patterns. In the end we moved the design toward more Oriental and Islamic ornamentation.

Council 2 Image

GDT: This is a sketch by Francisco Ruiz Velasco but it is created around a real existing location. Like in PANS LABYRINTH I decided to go for a crepuscular, warm palette in the Fantasy realm (reds jiving with Hellboy) and leave the real world in blues, greens and greys. I did a quick sketch of the "Throne" that was part of a boiler and asked Francisco to "echo" a halo behind the king's head, which we introduce in the PROLOGUE. As we scouted locations we found a locomotive cemetery / repair yard and photographed the boiler part of some old engines and lined those up on the walls to create a "hallway" feel. Incongruously, I wanted gold petals to be falling from above- a magical, crazy touch.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Huge Interview With Ron, Doug and Luke at SHH!

Like the title says, this interview is pretty big, and interesting to boot (Luke Goss is in the Tekken movie? And he's finished shooting his part already?) - check it out.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Hall Of Fame & Winners!

So, on kranix' and Darriann's suggestion over at the HETFET forums, here's a post celebrating the winners of the sweeps, and the people responsible for breaking each code:

(at the moment this post will be incredibly sketchy until I can research who actually broke each code, any help is appreciated)

Sweeps winners (premiere):
Sweeps winners (posters): OogieBoogie & bfunk00

Code Breakers:
Code 1: Didn't need to be broken. Anyone with eyes could figure it out.
Code 2:
Code 3: As far as I know, this was all on Pikachuchu.
Code 4: Jason S let me know - I don't know if he was first or not.
Code 5: Padraic & Mycroft
Code 6: Laurabelle & Peshmode, and Alison (who was on the right track, whether she knew it or not).
Code 7: Truffula
Code 8: I'm gonna say liam, since he pointed out the frame as soon as we got that video.
Code 9: Me! (although I'm open to contests against this).
Code 10: Zero

PANATROG Passphrase: butterchik

Disclaimer: like thebruce says, there may have been people who cracked the codes before all of these guys, who perhaps weren't posting on HETFET - in which case this is a list of people who were first to report that they'd cracked it. Not that that should make you all feel any less proud of yourselves :)

Thursday, 12 June 2008

TSD Credits

Thanks to Double Twenty and Matt Wolf for bringing us this excellent game, you can all see the list of people who worked on it here.

Don't Forget Red

Batman and Hulk have a little war of words. Featuring a special guest.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Hellbaby's Home From The Prologue

You saw it in the prologue, and I believe it pops up at the beginning of the movie too:

army_base_concept Image

Love The Game, Love The Players

Darriann over at HETFET just pointed this article out.

I think we can all feel very proud of ourselves!

Monday, 9 June 2008

Guys! Grab One Of These! There's Only 20!

This was just posted at Ain't It Cool News - If you any of you are in LA, this sounds amazing, if I was there I'd snap one of these tickets up.

Go go go!

Also, it's nice to hear that, although they're not allowed to post the review yet, that they speak favourably about the film. Sounds like GDT is onto another winner!

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Shameless Plug

So Lexi inspired me to go out and get a webcam, and I just filmed my first vlog... Figured I could get away with putting on this blog since I do plug the movie...

Anyway, hope you like it!

HETFET Unmask Big Red!

This just in from HETFET News, seems all those calls to the HETFET hotline paid off!


Calls have been pouring in to the HETFET HOTLINE, confirming the existence of the red-skinned mystery creature whose recent sightings have put the nation on high alert. Citing a major breakthrough in the so-called “Devil Man” investigation, credible sources claim to have discovered his true identity. His name is apparently Hellboy, although it has been impossible to get confirmation of this from the so called “research and defense agents” who have suddenly stepped in to control the situation.

While it is still not clear exactly what a Hellboy is, HETFET has confirmed that he (or it) has been seen in conjunction with a large number of troll sightings around the globe. Hellboy’s intention is still unknown but those that have witnessed him in action report that he is often followed by a trail of destruction. The Hellboy sightings have increased over the last month and seem to be on the rise.

We would like to thank those brave enough to call the HETFET Hotline - your eye witness accounts have made it possible for us to better understand creature migration patterns as well as this strange Hellboy phenomenon. Although the Hellboy is still at large and somewhat volatile, we have enough evidence to know that he doesn’t seem to pose a threat unless antagonized.

As far as HETFET is concerned, Hellboy is one more creature that deserves ethical treatment and fair consideration from humanity.

Friday, 6 June 2008

I Take ONE Night Off...

So last night I decided I'd go out, live my social life. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I got these Twitter updates all through the evening from QuestShaun:

the sum

a final


of parts

you have the key

stack the codes

I couldn't really cut the evening short, but I was cursing the heavens that the game was obviously kicking off in my absence...

So, to catch up.

The last two Panatrog documents are up, you'll find them in the post in the right hand column. There's also a new video on the site, showing some Men In Black type dude 'cleaning' Lexi's room.

The Twitters referred to EVERY PREVIOUS CODE. If you take the sum of every first digit, then every second, and finally every third, then add the digits in each result (so the first sum is 203, which boils down to 2+3= 5), you get 5-1-3.

This'll then lead you to another puzzle, for which you'll need the Rune Chart (again, this is in the right hand column). You want to 'UNLOCKHBII'. Then you'll be treated to a little congratulatory message, and given the link to the sweeps.

You'll also get this, which is VERY cool (and thanks to 'anonymous' for uploading it!):

Find more videos like this on The Spill.com Movie Community

I'm still trawling through other bits and pieces to see if I've missed anything (there are some numbers on the bottom left corner of the final Panatrog document that interest me for example), I suspect we haven't seen the last of Lexi (or at least I hope not) - but very well done all of you guys, it's been a brilliant ride and I wish all of the US players the best of luck in the draw!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

This Is What Red's Up Against

Here's some more production art, featuring the titular Golden Army. There's quite a few of these guys.

Gallery8 Image

Gallery7 Image

Golden Army Chamber Concept Art Francisco Ruiz Velasco: This chamber is where the Golden Army lays dormant, waiting for a new wearer of the crown to command them. Del Toro wanted a huge chamber, stadium-like, with hundreds and hundreds of golden eggs. Originally, the idea for this chamber was to be underwater. The huge gears are the mechanisms that pump the water out of the chamber. Guillermo del Toro: The original script for the film was much more ambitious - I wanted a series of underwater adventures that led to the Golden Army Chamber. At the end of the day, mostly due to budget, the idea changed. But the basics remained: I wanted the "folded" golden soldiers to be stored like eggs. The egg was an important motif in Elf/Goblin technology in the movie (see "Magic Bean Grenade") and as a basic shape it was easy to read and gave a clear view of the number of soldiers within the chamber: "Seventy times seventy soldiers".

Some Lucky Devils Have Seen 10 Minutes Of The Movie

Just found this article on IGN describing a 10 minute sequence at the beginning of the movie (and also telling me that the UK won't get the movie until August 22nd - which sucks). 

It's virtually spoiler free, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

It's All Kicking Off

Thanks to Corey for emailing me about this video (for some reason it didn't appear on my subscription updates...)

Running those three binary codes through the tool that thebruce pointed out to us the last time QuestShaun posted a video (the tool is here) gives you the following:

Title: manning
1st Line: stop them
2nd Line: find the photo


This post is gonna be a little messy, since it's all happening right now.

So 'find the photo' refers to this Photobucket account, with lots more base64 code hidden and jumbled up (thanks to djchristensen at HETFET for finding this). This'll give you:

d 2U gbX VzdC BpbnR lcmNlc HQgdGhl IGNyb3du

which translates to 'we must intercept the crown'.

You'll also find that QuestShaun has a Twitter account, and so does Manning866. Manning866 leads to a phone number (866-MAN-NING I believe, I dialled it, and the code you'll need is the 8th code, but I can't get any further since I'm UK based and therefore my number is longer than 10 digits - it's all on you lot!)

As if that wasn't enough, as I have been writing this, QuestShaun has Twittered twice with two more base64 codes:

1: cmUtdmlldw
2: cmUtY29kZQ

which translate to 're-view' and 're-code'. Sounds like a push to me.


The code is there, in the base64 code! (take the numbers from the photo and the twitter updates... that's all I'm saying).


QuestShaun twittered ' YSBsaXRlcmFsIHBlcnNwZWN0aXZl' 'dGhlIHBob3RvIGlzIGtleQ' and 'YSBiYXNpYyByZXNwb25zZQ', which translates to 'a literal perspective' 'the photo is key' and 'a basic response'...

REALLY LATE UPDATE (on account of I need sleep occasionally)

More twitters from QuestShaun:

'01110100011010000110010100100000 011100110111010101101101' and
'01101111011001100010000001110000 01100001011100100111010001110011'
in binary translates to 'the sum' and 'of parts'

There was also this video from QuestShaun:

With the base64 'YmxhY2t3b29k' which translates to 'blackwood'.

(and thanks to Liam in the comments for pointing it out!)


OK, so that seems to be everything. Except maybe this, a photobucket account belonging to lexivision that we need a password to access. I'm not sure if this is part of the game or not (and loads of you guys have already tried a bunch of passwords with no luck), but might be worth keeping an eye on.

The 10th light is active, so either we're missing something, or there's more to come. Either way, expect a fresh post as soon as I get wind of any new developments.

New Link

The game has been unusually quiet given how close to the end we supposedly are (barring Lexi's Twitter updates - what is she up to??).

Anyway, anyone who's done a little bit of digging re: the terms and conditions of the prize for this game knows that Universal provided a link to the sweepstakes page for those of you that don't want to see the game through. Since it's only active for around a week, I've posted the link in the right hand column.

I massively encourage people who are following the game to NOT 'skip to the end' and follow it, I'm more posting this for completions sake and as proof that new developments are imminently inbound.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

The Beginning Of The End?

Lexi posted this video a few hours ago, no new TSD clues but we definitely need to stay sharp over the next 24 hours or so.

Extra! Extra! Augustine Is Down For The Count! Read All About It!

This just in! Looks HETFET just won a major battle:


The ongoing war for troll rights takes another step forward, at the expense of Augustine Pharmaceuticals, the makers of the immensely anticipated anti-aging medication Uthyntrol. In what is surely a landmark victory, Augustine was convicted on seven counts of felony cruelty for using troll marrow as the “secret ingredient” in their new line of anti-aging products. In his closing statement, a notable District Judge thanked the organization known as HETFET for their vigilance, and admonished the entire Board of Augustine Pharmaceuticals for their “willful and unrepentant disregard for life–troll or otherwise”, ordering them to immediately cease production and destroy all inventory containing troll-based components.

With the surprising conviction on multiple counts, it was clear that the jury was unwilling to accept the defense’s argument that trolls are not entitled to the same rights as people or even animals. Throughout the trial, Augustine’s Defense Attorney contended that the United States constitution does not guarantee trolls’ rights. Legal analysts, meanwhile, have already begun to speculate what this will mean to the many other companies that, like Augustine, utilize questionable techniques and other allegedly inhumane techniques to gather and extract valuable organs and fluids from these special creatures.

It seems Augustine also had a hand in illegal pixie-farming operations around the globe, designed to take advantage of recent pixie dust demand, seemingly brought about by our own government. Controversy continues to swirl around this issue but AP seems to be at the center of it, according to our very own M. Herring.

At the post-verdict press conference, State District Attorney Olan said that the defense vastly underestimated the jury’s compassion for all living creatures. “Trolls and other of these so-called mystical beings are largely misunderstood and often feared, and the fact that the jury largely ignored the defense’s attempts to vilify and demonize them showed a remarkable empathy that made me proud to say I’m a human being!” said a tearful Olan.

In a separate civil case, the company has also been accused of concealing negative side-effects of Uthyntrol, including excessive hair growth, sun sensitivity, and, in some extremely rare cases, uncontrollable attraction to shiny objects.

Friday, 30 May 2008

You've All Seen This Already

But! I haven't posted it up until now, and I figured it'd be nice to look at while we wait for the next clue.

Tell Me This Isn't Awesome

This comes from Empire (hence the massive sticker saying so) - I'm adding this to my list of 'I reeeeally want that Hellboy 2 poster'.

Those Panatrog Documents (And The New Cat Lady One)

For those who can't see them, here are the most recent documents from Panatrog, notice that the Cat Lady one mentions a 'close proximity to L Loyd'...

I've also made a link in the right hand column, so that you can see all of the 'rollover' documents in one place. This is so that there is a place where I can post future documents without revealing them on the main page, so that it doesn't spoil it for the people who want to go to the site and see it for themselves but that there is also a place where people who for some reason can't see them, can.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

New Panatrog Document - 'Original Pact'

Head over to Panatrog, a new document has been released, and it goes into a little detail on what looks to be the pact between humanity and the Sons of the Earth...

Oooooo... Spooky! (Quest Shaun Solved)

Thanks to Tara for this one - I was dragged away to do 'real work' before I could do any real digging into what 'QUEST SHAUN' meant. Turns out it's a YouTube username, and here is the only video he/she has posted so far:

WEIRD! I reckon it's the troll market (as I'm sure a lot of other people do). Stranger still, does this mean anything?


Written in the video description box, is it really just random letters/numbers or is it a code?

UPDATED - OK, so thebruce's kung fu is way better than mine. Use this tool to translate the text, and then ask yourself one question: to who? (I just sent Lexi a message about it, maybe it'll spark something off? Who knows...)

And here I've got (unrelated to the game mind you) another YouTube video featuring interviews with a bunch of the key players responsible for HB2:

8th Code Active (And Solved)!

The 8th code just went active, and thanks to liam for making me highlight what turned out to be the solution a couple of posts ago (have a little look at the post on the last dutchfelines vid).

We get another creature to have a look at, another 'hidden' rune (C) and, most interestingly, a message written in runes that appear one at a time. For those who want to work it out, I'm about to show the translation so SPOILERS on.

Still here? Look away if you don't want to be!

The runes read 'QUEST SHAUN'. What this means, I don't know, I just figured it out and haven't yet given a lot of thought as to what it applies to - my first thought is that it's somehow meant to fit in with the other word we've been getting a letter at a time (i.e. the one that's obviously gonna spell UNLOCK). Maybe we're supposed to 'unlock shaun quest'?

Stay tuned for more.

UPDATED - A big thanks to the HETFETters who dropped me a line about this! I managed to catch this one just as it went live so was eagerly chipping away at the puzzle before I had a chance to see that you guys had told me about it. And a huge well done to all of you too, after checking HETFET I see that a few of you beat me to it by about half an hour :)

UPDATED AGAIN! Lilitu over at HETFET spotted some numbers in the top right of the latest TSD reward: 837243 (you have to look pretty carefully, I'm glad someone's got eagle eyes). Maybe it'll come in handy, who knows?

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Lexi 's 3 Weird Things

Lexi just posted a new vlog, talking about strange goings on... She's told us about two of them before, but the cat lady thing really is weird.

Who sent you?

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Panatrog Update & Lexi's On Twitter

The 4th document on Panatrog is now open (just roll your mouse over it to see it - anyone has any problems, let me know and I'll post it, otherwise I won't ruin the act of discovery for you) - I think we just got our first solid link to the BPRD! (Check out the Tom Manning and 'Abe' mentions)

Also, a couple of people over at HETFET were sent email invitations by Lexi to join and follow her on Twitter. I didn't get the invite but, not wanting to be left out, I went and signed up anyway. This way we'll get regular updates as to what Lexi's doing, and as such it's a good idea for everyone to do it. Her username is lexilloyd.

(feel free to follow me too, my username is sowasred2012)

dutchfelines Strikes Again!

dutchfelines hit us with another training video very recently which, among other things, tells us that SET stands for Sons of the Earth Troll. There's another acronym introduced too: SPOT, but the we don't find out what the T stands for...

(This comes from the video description box)

I am no longer the Only One.
WARNING: What is our government up to. This deals with very strange and disturbing subject matter - it may shock you. However this is not my reason for posting it. I have come across this from sources that I am not allowed to disclose. This movie is about just what the title states, that is all I can say. Strange bizarre footage that seems to delve into the unexplained. This movie shows clips that are REAL. You of course may judge for yourself. I posted this for the people who dare to seek the truth as I do, you know who you are, the open minded folk. I also posted it to show things that are happening around you that you dont know about. Now and in the past. Knowing, understanding, and searching truth is the reason I have taken great risk to show you this.

NOTE to all: I have not filmed these videos myself. I am just exposing the truth and what is real.
I've taken this screengrab for everyone to check out (from the video at 01:10, thanks to liam for pointing it out), as it's another direct link to the BPRD and what looks like it might be a code - so bear it in mind!

Monday, 26 May 2008


As promised, here is the link to Elizabeth's Facebook profile (she needs to confirm you as a friend before you can see it).

This is the picture that was posted on her profile, the one which gave us half of the code:

You have to tinker around with the colours in Photoshop (you can just make it out if you only have Paint) to see the code clearly.

In honour of Ms. Moora, here's her namesake:

bethmoora_concept Image

Bethmoora Concept Matte Painting
Guillermo del Toro: This painting was done by Deak Ferrand who, in my mind, is the greatest living matte painter. We did numerous sketches of the original concept. I wanted Bethmoora to feel very organic and have buildings fused with the rocks of an immense cave.

Bethmoora is a dead city, covered in ashes, with a bright crimson building at its core. In designing all the magical families in the film, I demanded that we all stay away from any Celtic motifs or that we "riff" them together with other influences. We used Oriental art as an inspiration, as well as the Middle and Far East, using Japanese armor and Islamic glyphs among other things, as inspiration. Bethmoora had to have that Middle East flavor. That, and my admiration for the European comic book artist Nicolas De Crecy, guided this design.

Mike Mignola took a whack at it, Wayne Barlowe, Pablo Angeles, and Francisco Ruiz Velasco took a whack at it, and so did everybody else at the office, including myself (you don't wanna see that!) but Deak's painting is the one that came closest to it. This is only a taste - wait for the final...

And this. Because it's cool.

Character art - hellboy Image

7th Code - One That Works!

Big thanks to Oogie and Truffula for figuring this out (and again to Oogie for dropping me a line - cheers dude!).

Apparently Elizabeth Moora has a Facebook profile (I'll post a link to the profile or picture when she confirms my pending friend request), where she posted a picture with the numbers:


Another picture, found on the hetfet.org gallery had the numbers:


Then, all you have to do (I say 'all you have to do', only I probably wouldn't have thought of it...) is stack the numbers on top of each like so:


and then read them vertically, so you get 10-3-17. Hey presto, the 7th (working!) code. We have the 4th rune now also, which is 'O'. Well done guys!

Issues With The 7th Code

I resisted posting about this in case The Powers That Be moved quickly to set us back on the right track but, as many of you already know, the 7th combination WAS unlocked for an incredibly short period of time (thebruce has the results on his wiki) - so it is possible to discover what was revealed, including the hidden rune.

However, for whatever reason, the code doesn't work now (although inputting any of the other codes will make the 7th light fully illuminated). Whether this is because of a glitch or because the code was only supposed to open for a limited number of people (I doubt this is the case, as there hopefully would have been something to indicate as much) I don't know, and until I hear any new developments on the issue I won't be posting information on the rewards since at the minute I feel they could be considered game spoilers, or a breach of the game.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Meet Wink

This is the guy that wrote the letter to Nuada. You've all seen him in the trailer, now you can put a name to his face.

Characters3 Image

Updated Rune Chart (UPDATED AGAIN)

*UPDATE* - I've now added every letter to the chart, as well as the four numbers I have.

I've just confirmed that the third rune in the Panatrog video is 'V' (I don't know about the others, but I was sent the alphabet in the mail for being in the top 10 of webmasters) - the chart is updated with it, and it means that the book says 'PEVEAL TRAP'. This only strengthens my theory that it's a typo, and is supposed to say 'REVEAL TRAP'. Of course, it might not be a typo, and instead it's an anagram. I couldn't get anything out of it if it is.

Whether this means anything is yet to be seen...

Friday, 23 May 2008

Panatrog Vid & The 7th Light

And everything happened while I was asleep again...

Anyway, thanks to Jason and Tasha for dropping me an email about both of these.

First up, we have a new Panatrog video:

There's numbers all over that, but apparently none of them work (according to the guys on the HETFET forums) yet. The big thing for me was the book printed with a few runes, the translation goes as:

PE_EAL TRAP - the third letter is a rune we haven't come across before, but there are only six of those so the word can only be either:


None of which particularly make sense. It could be a rune typo and it's supposed to say 'REVEAL', but it seems like they'd be more careful than that.

I noticed something else in the video, which I'm sure isn't a big deal, but those headset goggle things could be early designs of the goggles Hellboy and Abe are wearing in the trailer when they come across the cat lady (when Hellboy delivers the soon to be immortal line 'Give it up ugly, I can see ya'.)

TSD has it's 7th light half-lit, so the next code is now out there somewhere (or inbound very soon) - so people (myself included) are poring over the video and previous clues to find that code.

Stay tuned.

p.s. I'm sure many people have done this already, but I've dropped Lexi a message with a link to the vid, hopefully there'll be a response.

Hellboy Board Game (Well, A Sketch Of A Part Of One)

Continuing the steady stream of production sketches, this one is from Mike Mignola, with Hellboy as he was toward the end of the first movie:

Gallery4 Image

Mignola Devil (Hellboy Icon, Death's House)

Guillermo del Toro: Inside the Angel of Death lair - laid out in a fresco on the floor - there is a game board representing Hellboy's origin and destiny. Mike Mignola based his designs for this on old Zodiac illustrations. This particular one shows Hellboy in his "Apocalyptic" incarnation at the end of days.

New TV Spot!

Thanks to He-Man on the SHH! boards for pointing this out - lots of tasty new footage:

aSmarmyYeti - Up To No Good?

This is a tiny update, but thought it interesting, and possibly a signifier as to where the story is headed.

On Lexi's new video, check out the comments section. The only one she replies to is aSmarmyYeti, who asks an inappropriate question. He/she/it has done this before, so it's worth keeping an eye on aSmarmyYeti.

Whether they are working for Nuada, or are a Trog agent, we can't be sure - but something isn't right.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

It's Been A Slow Couple Of Days...

So I thought I'd post these. They're nothing to do with the game, but figured you guys would like them anyway, something to chew on while we wait for the next phase of the game:

about_character_bio_1 Image

about_character_bio_2 Image

And then there's this picture, just cos I like seeing Liz and Red together:

Characters1 Image

It IS Lexi's Dad!

Quick update from Lexi, and she confirms what we all suspected!

Check it out:

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

New dutchfelines Video! Panatrog Training Film!

This is a big one - two minutes of training footage for Panatrog members, apparently from the 70's (hence it's a little cheesy and full of moustaches). This is pure speculation, but I believe the blonde guy we see meditating around 34 seconds in looks a lot like the photo we saw of Lexi's dad.

Also, I spotted TWO suspect numbers in there: 411811 & 7.11.71 - but since the 7th code isn't active yet, I guess we have to wait a little while before we know if they work or not.

(The following text comes from the video's description on YouTube)

WARNING: This is a movie that deals with a very strange and disturbing subject matter - it may shock you. However this is not my reason for posting it. I have come across this movie from sources that I am not allowed to disclose. This movie is about just what the title states, that is all I can say. It's strange bizarre footage that seems to delve into the unexplained. This movie shows clips that are REAL. You of course may judge for yourself. I posted this for the people who dare to seek the truth as I do, you know who you are, the open minded folk. I also posted it to show things that are happening around you that you dont know about. Now and in the past. Knowing, understanding, and searching truth is the reason I have taken great risk to show you this.

NOTE to all: I have not filmed these videos myself. I am just exposing the truth and what is real.

The New Panatrog Documents UPDATED

Some of you seem to be having trouble accessing the new documents on Panatrog. I'm not tech-savvy enough to know exactly why, but here's a screen grab to tide you over until it's been figured out:


I posted a wallpaper of this guy already (check out the column on the right for the link to those), but here's a production sketch of it, with a little commentary.

Street Musician {Francisco} This is one of Wayne Barlowe's sketches. It is a creature for the Troll Market. GDT: Each artist was free to bring forth as many sketches of creatures as they wanted. The only condition was to veer away from "movie monsters" and make the creatures more surreal and exotic, reference things other than film: Engravings from the Middle Ages, Hieronymus Bosch, The Arabian Tales, etc, etc Barlowe had the best batting average... 8 out of 10 of his designs made it to the screen. But we treated these creatures like extras. We SELDOM, if ever showcased them- I felt this was crucial to treat the market like you would any other location... to make it real...

Gallery10 Image

And then there's this - not really relevant to anything going on in the game at the minute, but who doesn't love the Big Baby?

Bigbaby_concept Image