Thursday 12 June 2008

TSD Credits

Thanks to Double Twenty and Matt Wolf for bringing us this excellent game, you can all see the list of people who worked on it here.

Don't Forget Red

Batman and Hulk have a little war of words. Featuring a special guest.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Hellbaby's Home From The Prologue

You saw it in the prologue, and I believe it pops up at the beginning of the movie too:

army_base_concept Image

Love The Game, Love The Players

Darriann over at HETFET just pointed this article out.

I think we can all feel very proud of ourselves!

Monday 9 June 2008

Guys! Grab One Of These! There's Only 20!

This was just posted at Ain't It Cool News - If you any of you are in LA, this sounds amazing, if I was there I'd snap one of these tickets up.

Go go go!

Also, it's nice to hear that, although they're not allowed to post the review yet, that they speak favourably about the film. Sounds like GDT is onto another winner!