This is the guy that wrote the letter to Nuada. You've all seen him in the trailer, now you can put a name to his face.
Hey SoWas,
Don't take my post at Hetfet the wrong way... I was just trying to get them to move things along a little...
That being said, if there has been a bug, we SHOULD have heard from an Admin by now, one way or the other... Obviously, theBruce's code wasn't the one, or the Admins would have "X'd" it out and asked him to move his "spoiler" to the appropriate thread...
Speaking of which, I think it would be fair to say that our PMs are operating in the "Western" time zone in the US, as just about all the things that we get hit with happen in that time frame... Hehe, they're probably off for the weekend for Memorial Day... (Universal "wage-slaves" and all...)
This blog will be keeping track of the marketing and the viral game for Hellboy 2, so check back often for updates - and in case you miss something, there's an archive of previous posts at the bottom of this column.
(Any pictures you see here can be saved to your desktop, and opening them from there will give you access to much bigger versions.)
An abomination hath been done, The wheels of motion turned and spun, A quarter moon past, Time runneth fast, Our countdown already begun.
Limerick 2:
Rise up prepare to act, The future is bleak in fact, Unite as one, Oh earthly son, Protect the ancient pact
Limerick 3:
From light they often make stone, Time for us all to atone, Years of abuse, From persons obtuse, One nine of a month yet unknown.
Limerick 4:
A very dark day in our prime, Our planet is covered in grime, Pray hear our concern, All ye to learn, Five plus one less than a dime.
Limerick 5:
Four out of twelve leads the way, Twenty less one points the day, Of primary concern, For thou to learn, Fine creatures are dismay.
Limerick 6 (sent via email to HETFET members):
Dare to "find the clues", Unfold the path you choose, Thinking minds, Combining Rhymes, Hetfet brings this news.
Limerick 7 (sent via email to HETFET members, lowercase is deliberate):
cats are also called these, a fancier term if you please, follow your mind, all work in kind, and find it with relative ease.
Limerick 8 (sent to
THE SECRET DEVICE before you now a mystery no doubt, Flashing lights and spinning rings, what is it all about? Adventure down this path you've found, Searching for clues, For every time you crack the lock, Rewards are there for you. This journey gives you more than fun, The clever folk will find, For some who reach the very end, A might gift in kind. A journey beyond cyberspace, The lucky II will see, Much more than they imagine, Bull and demon destiny. Support the fey who need your help, To keep the peace intact, Beware of those not of their word, Protect the ancient pact.
Hey SoWas,
Don't take my post at Hetfet the wrong way... I was just trying to get them to move things along a little...
That being said, if there has been a bug, we SHOULD have heard from an Admin by now, one way or the other... Obviously, theBruce's code wasn't the one, or the Admins would have "X'd" it out and asked him to move his "spoiler" to the appropriate thread...
Speaking of which, I think it would be fair to say that our PMs are operating in the "Western" time zone in the US, as just about all the things that we get hit with happen in that time frame... Hehe, they're probably off for the weekend for Memorial Day... (Universal "wage-slaves" and all...)
No worries dude, I just think it might not be a good idea to incur the wrath of the GM's lest they call a premature end to the game.
I figure we haven't heard off them because even GM's are allowed a holiday every now and again :)
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